Thanks for taking a few moments to visit with us. I think that youll find these pages are easy to navigate, interesting to look at, and say a lot about our church.
We are not one of those "everything-you-could-ever-want-in-a-ready-made-church churches" designed for spectators who like everything already done for them. We are buildinglives, classes, groups, outreaches, and sometimes walls! Building takes lots of work, but its lots of fun. The best way for a person or a family to grow is to take part in building a church. Why sit in the church bleachers when you could run down on the field?
If you are looking for real people with a real purpose, wed love to have you visit with us. You just might decide to roll up the spiritual sleeves and become a builder with us!
Please feel free to contact our staff or me if we can be of any assistance to you. We hope to hear from you soon!
For our Church Family,
M. Lee Godfrey, III